Favero Full Arm 05 Table Version w/: Remote Control & Power Supply: FIE Certified, 3-Weapon Mach...

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Product includes: Machine, Remote, and Power Supply

FULL-ARM-05 (ART.831)

  • F.I.E. Approved.
  • CONTROL FOR 3 WEAPONS. Manual or automatic rearmament.
    Selection of two programmes for the sabre (with or without whip-over).
    Selection of a programme useful for epée teaching, which signals the hits in rapid succession.
    A special control prevents the annoying continuous noise that occurs in sabre and foil when the fencers are not connected.
  • The FULL-ARM-05 programme can be easily updated by replacing a single electronic component.
  • SCORER: height of the digits 7cm, legible up to a distance of 25-30m. Count up to 99. Increase, decrease, and zero out.
  • CHRONOMETER: height of the digits 5.2cm, legible up to a distance of 15-20m away. Start/Stop, 1 minute pause, Load start time. The colour of the two lighted dots between the minutes and seconds clearly and immediately indicates the chronometer status. GREEN = counting; RED = stopped.
  • Counting the MATCHES. Signaling for fencer PRIORITY, with manual and random selection. Signaling for PENALTY CARDS. The red card automatically increases the opponent’s point score.
  • Membrane keyboard: sturdy and reliable (5 million contacts per key).
  • Sound volume adjustable to three levels. The various events are indicated by different sound signals: hit, end of time, abnormalities.
  • The apparatus uses two DATA-LINE sockets to connect two panel repeaters PANEL-02 or LIGHTS REPEATERS. The Data-Line sockets can be easily increased to four by using an inexpensive accessory connector. For greater safety, the Data-Line sockets are insulated electrically through the use of optocouplers.
  • The cables connecting to the repeaters, ordinarily provided with the latter, are regular telephone cables that can be easily extended to 100m, if necessary.
  • ALL the visual displays on the FULL-ARM-05, including the lights signalling hits (one red, one green, and two white lights) consist of high-efficiency LED’s (average life: 100,000 hours). Therefore, the problems associated with short life and replacement of normal filament lamps are eliminated.
  • Power supply: 12Vac or 12Vdc. THE ELECTRICAL POWER USED IS MINIMAL, thanks to exclusive use of high-efficiency LED’s. The maximum total power used, with two coloured lights switched on, is only 4 watts. The Full-Arm-05 can also be supplied by a small rechargeable lead-acid battery 12V, 6-7Ah. In this case, it lasts for about 30 hours before requiring recharging.
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